Royal Holloway hosted the Consumer Culture Theory Methodology Workshop at the college's city campus in Bedford Square. The workshop was primarily intended for doctoral students and early career researchers and attracted students from right across Europe and from as far afield as USA. The workshop was chaired by Alan Bradshaw & Pauline Maclaran of Royal Holloway and the week long faculty included Margaret Hogg, Benedetta Cappelini, Christina Goulding, Cele Otnes, Avi Shankar, Liz Parsons, Giana Eckhardt, Markus Giesler while a number of scholars dropped in to contribute to discussions including James Fitchett, Liz Moor, Gretchen Larsen, Finola Kerrigan and Jo Littler.
Professor Margaret Hogg from University of Lancaster and Professor Pauline Maclaran of Royal Holloway talk to doctoral students Yasmin Kahn and Yusra Khogeer |
Professor Christina Goulding from Keele University presents on grounded theory |
Professor Avi Shankar from University of Bath discusses introspection |
Professor Giana Eckhardt from Suffolk University in Boston |
Professor Markus Giesler from Schulich Business School in York University, Toronto |
Dr Benedetta Cappelini from Royal Holloway and Dr Liz Parsons from University of Keele discuss practice theory |
Alan Bradshaw and Professor James Fitchett from University of Leicester chat with Markus Giesler |
With thanks to Anton Siebert for photographs.
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