Research in a Globalised World: Possibilities for Postcolonial Thought and Practice
Friday November 21, 6:00 in Room 261 in Senate House
All Welcome
This event recognises that the field of marketing plays a significant role in the reproduction of neo-colonial power relations in the current world order. While business scholars have recently become more reflexive and critical of the ways that both theory and practice are implicated in the dissimination and entrenchment of market hegemony globally, postcolonial theory has yet to become a part of that critical assessment. Speakers and participants will reflect on the value of postcolonialism as a body of theory and a mode of political critique in order to enrich the studies into the subjects of interest to marketing scholarship, such as globalisation, modernity, cultural diversity, migration, ethnicity, etc. and also to interrogate some normative frameworks and approaches to research within the discipline.
Keynote Speakers: Guliz Ger, Bilkent University, Turkey & Nirmal Puwar, Goldsmiths, University of London
Interlude provided by Foivos Dousos / F89, Royal Holloway
Panel Discussion chair: Alan Bradshaw
Discussants: Olga Kravets, William Large, Guliz Ger, Hara Kouki & Nirmal Puwar
For further information see
Details of previous camps can be found here: 2013, 2012, 2011. 2010 was on the topic of Marketing and Music (speakers were Adam Dorn, aka Mocean Worker, Gretchen Larsen, Robert Cluley) and 2009 was on the topic of Marketing and Advertising (speakers were Chris Hackley, Michael Sayeau and Finola Kerrigan).